Within the framework of the collaboration protocol signed between Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) and the Municipality of Famagusta, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture Master’s Program (without thesis) students carried out “Famagusta Muslim Turk Cemetery” architectural opinion projects, as part of the Architectural Design Studio (MARC 591 / 592) course taught at the department. The students and course coordinators; Faculty of Architecture academic staff member Prof. Dr. Hıfsiye Pulhan, Senior Instructor Bahar Uluçay and Research Assistant Leki Clementina Pronen paid a visit to EMU Rector’s Office and met with the Mayor of Famagusta Dr. Süleyman Uluçay and EMU Vice Rector for Promotion and Institutional Communication Prof. Dr. Ali Öztüren.
In the said meeting, projects designed by the students regarding the renovation of service buildings and the semi-open area within the cemetery, which were designed as part of the project, were shared with the participants of the meeting.

“EMU is the Pearl of Famagusta”
Delivering a speech at the event, Famagusta Mayor Dr. Süleyman Uluçay stressed that EMU is not only the best university in Famagusta but it is also the best university of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), emphasizing that the university has a huge role in the development of higher education sector in TRNC. Conveying that EMU is an indisputably prestigious university with its alumni all around the world and its quality education, Dr. Uluçay expressed that EMU is the pearl of the city of Famagusta. Dr. Uluçay thanked everyone who contributed to the architectural opinion projects developed in accordance with the collaboration protocol between EMU and the Municipality of Famagusta. Moreover, Dr. Uluçay underscored that the municipality will always support all projects to be carried out under the protocol.
EMU Vice Rector for Promotion and Institutional Communication Prof. Dr. Ali Öztüren stated that EMU is the locomotive of the higher education in TRNC and, underlined that one of the key points is being a university that contributes to society. Prof. Dr. Öztüren spoke about EMU’s societal contributions to Famagusta, stating, “The collaboration projects we carry out with the Municipality of Famagusta not only add value to our city but also provide our students with real-world experiences. Through these projects, our students have the opportunity to put theoretical knowledge into practice while also experiencing the pride of being beneficial to society”. Prof. Dr. Öztüren thanked everyone who contributed to the projects, especially the Municipality of Famagusta and the EMU Faculty of Architecture, and concluded his remarks by saying, “These projects are important steps towards building not only today’s Famagusta but also the Famagusta of tomorrow. I thank all our students and academics involved and hope that such projects will continue to increase”.

“EMU is a City University”
In her speech, EMU Faculty of Architecture academic staff member Prof. Dr. Hıfsiye Pulhan expressed their contentment on participating in the architectural opinion projects carried out as part of the collaboration protocol signed between EMU and Municipality of Famagusta. Prof. Dr. Pulhan stated that EMY is a city university which is equipped with great knowledge and experience. Thanking the Mayor of Famagusta Dr. Uluçay and EMU for their support, Prof. Dr. Pulhan also conveyed her thanks to everyone who has contributed to the actualization of the project.

EMU Architecture Department Senior Instructor Bahar Uluçay mentioned that the students involved in the project had the opportunity to develop themselves and hoped for the continuity of such projects. Uluçay thanked those who contributed to the realization of the project.
Famagusta Municipality landscape architect Defne Feridun Kara, a former EMU employee, expressed her happiness on being part of the project and wished for the continuation of joint projects between EMU and the Municipality of Famagusta. Following the visual presentation of the students’ projects, certificates of appreciation and awards for outstanding student work were presented to the contributing students by Famagusta Mayor Dr. Uluçay, Prof. Dr. Öztüren, and course coordinators Prof. Dr. Pulhan and Senior Instructor Uluçay.