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EMU Associate and Undergraduate Program Graduates Receive Their Diplomas

EMU Associate and Undergraduate Program Graduates Receive Their Diplomas
Published Date: Monday, 8 July 2024

Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) 2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester Graduation Ceremony for Associate and Undergraduate programs was held on Wednesday, 3 July, 2024 at 07:00 p.m. at EMU Yasin Düşüner Stadium. Present at the ceremony were Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar, Republican Turkish Party members of the Parliament Teberrüken Uluçay, Şifa Çolakoğlu and Erkut Şahali, Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation and Coordination Board (YODAK) President Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın, EMU Board of Trustees (VYK) President Dr. Erdal Özcenk, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, Rector of European University of Lefke Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, Famagusta Mayor Dr. Süleyman Uluçay, YODAK member Prof. Dr. Akın Cellatoğlu, TRNC Presidency Advisers, Director of Departments operating under the Ministries, members of VYK, Vice Rectors, Senate members, Faculty members, graduates and their families. The ceremony was live streamed worldwide via EMU TV, national channels BRT 3 and EMU’s institutional social media accounts.

The ceremony commenced with the entrance of graduates to the stadium along with Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç, Vice Rectors, Senate Members and Faculty Members. Then, a moment of silence and National Anthem took place followed by speeches of Education Faculty, Fine Arts Education Department, Music Teaching Program’s top student Lara Doğdu and Faculty of Business and Economics, Banking and Finance Department’s top student Mazin Osama Hassan Mekki who respectively talked on behalf of fellow graduates.

“We Take Pride in Our Graduates”

Delivering a speech at the event, EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç congratulated all the graduating students for their achievement and noted that each graduate of EMU holds great importance to the university. Stating that, together with the 2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester graduates, the total number of EMU alumni would surpass 75 thousand, Prof. Dr. Kılıç expressed their pride in each and every graduate of EMU. Celebrating its 45th year in education, Prof. Dr. Kılıç emphasized EMU’s status as a true world university by prioritizing high standards of quality education, international expansions, global visibility, academic achievements, and new mission and vision initiatives. Prof. Dr. Kılıç highlighted that EMU’s education quality has been certified by independent organizations and provided information about new academic advancements and achievements. Addressing the graduates, Prof. Dr. Kılıç said; “I congratulate you on your determination and perseverance throughout your journey. You are very fortunate to have studied and graduated from such a prestigious university. We have no doubt that you will succeed, adhere to ethical values in your profession, and reflect the skills you have acquired here for the benefit of humanity wherever you go. The achievements of EMU graduates always make us proud. No matter what profession you pursue, you will always feel the distinctiveness of being an EMU graduate. Congratulations and best wishes for your future endeavors. May your path be clear”.

“I believe that you will make a Difference in the World”

EMU VYK President Dr. Erdal Özcenk also delivered a speech during the ceremony and addressed to the graduates; “You are about to embark on a new journey with the knowledge and skills you have acquired here. I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who have supported you throughout this process. The challenges and successes you encountered during your education have brought you to this day. Graduation is not the end of learning but the

beginning of a lifelong learning journey. Trust in the knowledge and skills you gained from EMU when you face future challenges. I believe that you will carry the name of EMU with pride in your new beginnings and make a difference in the world. I also extend my thanks to your families who have contributed to your success. May your path be clear and your success everlasting”.

“I am sure that you will be Successful”

Touching on the significant place of higher education in TRNC, the President of YODAK, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın emphasized the need to better improvement of this sector by maintaining a continuous development cycle. Stressing YODAK’s responsibilities include the supervision, accreditation, and planning of the higher education sector, and underlining their determination to carry out these duties fairly in accordance with laws, regulations, and bylaws, Prof. Dr. Aykut Hocanın noted that the quality education, high-standard research, and community service provided by EMU have been recognized by various independent ranking organizations. Addressing the students, Prof. Dr. Hocanın said; “Do not sever the friendships you have formed here and maintain your connections with your EMU family. We are confident in your success. We are proud of you. May your path be clear. Congratulations to all of you”.

“Do not bow to Challenges and Injustice”

Expressing his contentment on being there with the graduates to celebrate their special day, TRNC President Ersin Tatar congratulated the graduates and wished them success in their future endeavours. Addressing the families, President Tatar emphasized that despite the pandemic and various conflicts around the world, it is a great achievement that the university has maintained its quality of education and continued to nurture its students in the best possible way.

Highlighting the importance of lifelong learning in the communication era and mentioning that graduates should stay in touch with EMU in the future, President Tatar expressed his belief that, with the support of a strong institution like EMU, graduates will make significant contributions to humanity in their own countries. President Tatar conveyed his confidence that the graduates, equipped with the education and skills provided by the university, will achieve great successes in the future. Tatar stated his hope that the graduates would overcome any challenges and injustices they might face without giving up and to continue achieving success. Addressing the confident young graduates who will serve humanity and the future, President Tatar advised, “In addition to the education you have received, always be people who earn the trust of others and keep your word”. Lastly, President Tatar wished all graduates success and good luck in their new lives.

Following the speeches, top students of faculties and departments were presented their diplomas and awards by the members of the protocol. Then, 2023-2024 Academic Year Spring Semester graduates received their diplomas. The ceremony ended with cap-throwing countdown along and Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan Kılıç.

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